Types of alopecia

In menandrogenetic alopecia is the most common type of hair loss, and in women as well.


Usually, it is localised (male pattern hair loss) or diffuse in men, and mostly diffuse in women (female pattern hair loss).


Therefore, in women, it is very important to clinically differentiate (biopsy, dermoscopy, phototrichogram) androgenetic alopecia from telogen effluvium (also diffuse) and from diffuse alopecia areata (totalis or universalis), in order to be prescribed the appropriate treatment, if applicable.


Also, some women may be confronted with a psychogenic (imaginary) pseudo-effluvium, which should be diagnosed.


In addition, there are other forms of alopecia which can be treated medicinally : pseudo-pelade, traction alopecia, trichillomania.

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