Biofibres (artificial hair)

Alternative to natural hair
Risk of infection and scarring, in some cases

Biofibres (artificial hair) may be indicated in men if the donor area is insufficient, or in women to improve hair density.


A tolerance test is essential (100 to 300 biofibres) before any decision, by a specialized surgeon.


Some doctors believe that biofibres have not yet been proven in the medium and long term (significant risk of infection and scarring), which leads to advise against using bio-fibers.


Other doctors have concluded, from their own experience with a significant number of patients, that biofibres can be an interesting alternative, under condition to make a selection of candidates, and to wait for results of the tolerance test.


  • In women to fill a decrease in capillary density
  • In men, in the case of an insufficient donor zone : in particular for those who have no more hair (extreme baldness)
  • Men and women, to obtain an immediate aesthetic result (in case of low density of the hair, or to reach a high capillary density).






  • Biocompatible artificial hair is produced by a very small number of manufacturers (including Medicap, Italy)
  • They are used only by a few trained and qualified doctors
  • Up to 1500/ 2000 biofibres can be implanted in one day (prior local anaesthesia).
  • Allow 3 weeks to 2 months between 2 implantation sessions (for example for large bald areas that require 8000 fibers)




  • Compatible organic fibers (well tolerated inert material, very few rejections, minimal post operative care required)
  • Characteristics of human hair: flexibility, tensile strength
  • Types of hair: stiff, wavy, curly, afro.
  • Hair colors: all
  • No alteration (sun, sea water or swimming pool) 
  • Medicap claims that the process is fully reversible.



  • Require a preliminary tolerance test (100 to 300 fibers) and appropriate advice.
  • Require rigorous monitoring of the condition of the scalp.
  • Keep always the same length.
  • Complementary implantation may be necessary (if a loss of 5 to 10% per year of fibers is observed)




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