Androgenetic alopecia


  • Androgenetic alopecia is a gradual loss of hair due to the influence of male hormones (androgens, DHT).
  • The androgen inhibitor drug, in some cases, allows a stabilization with stop of hair loss, sometimes it even promotes a regrowth, but it may just as well not be very active.
  • It is more effective in young patients (20 to 30 years) and for moderate hair loss, and it is of no interest to patients who have a highly stable baldness.
  • It takes several months before you can decide on the effectiveness of the treatment. Stopping the treatment means stopping the effects.
  • Be sure to learn about the potential side effects of some medications.



Men :

  • Minoxidil: topical solution at 2 or 5% concentration for men
  • Finasteride: tablet of 1mg over long period (beware of side effects)
  • Dutasteride: if Finasteride fails
  • Flutamide: anti-androgen tablets
  • Spironolactone: in applications, also produces anti-androgenic effects


Women :

  • Minoxidil: generally more effective in women than in men, concentration 2, 3-5% in women
  • Finasteride: contraindicated, because risk of malformation of the fetus in case of pregnancy
  • Other anti androgens: Cyproterone acetate, Spironolactone, Cimetidine, Ketoconazole (shampoo)
  • Low-dose oral contraceptives (Ethinyloestradiol): they can block the action of male hormones, especially in combination with cyproterone acetate.
  • Oestro Progestogens: In menopausal women, estrogens and progesterone (pills, creams) are commonly prescribed as a treatment for androgenetic alopecia.
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